KAVI-PTS – picture to speech (can support multiple languages).
Tactograph– enables schools to print their own tactile books and worksheets at an affordable price.
BlueClick – Blutooth Mouse to replace the left click of the mouse.
TakeNote – compact portable note-taking device for people with vision impairment to record notes in Braille.
KAVI+ – A web-based online inclusive teaching tool.
SRESHT – This project aims to develop, implement and evaluate the feasibility of a new intervention using a comprehensive tele practice model of screening, diagnosis and rehabilitation of children below 6 years with hearing and speech-language disorders using ICT.
iGest – is a wearable device that identifies the natural movement of an individual and associates it with a predetermined sentence of their choice enabling communication.
iRead – is a sliding contact single cell display designed to allow early braille learners.