The SRESHT lab’s focus is on translation research that supports meaningful integration of technology. It is conceptualized and led by Dr. Vidya Ramkumar, an India Alliance Intermediate Fellow in Clinical and Public Health Research and also an Associate Professor at Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Audiology and Speech, Language Pathology @ SRIHER(DU), Chennai
This project aims to develop, implement and evaluate the feasibility of a new intervention using a comprehensive tele practice model of screening, diagnosis and rehabilitation of children below 6 years with hearing and speech-language disorders using ICT.
In the first phase of the project, We delivered Kavi-T with a python bases Speech and Hearning Screening Application. In the second phase, we developed a mobile/tablet-based hearing and speech-language screening device (SRESHT screener). The device has been validated to screen children below 6 years of age for hearing and speech-language disorders in rural communities. For more information visit www.SRESHT-SRIHER-IA Lab